Favourite Horror Shows

I threw out a poll recently about what I should write about (I like talking about things you guys like, so I throw out a poll on occasion to get topics.) And one of my friends suggested to discuss my favourite horror shows.

My other friend asked me to discuss the emoji face, you know the ones with the two eyes emojis and the lips in the middle, which I will talk about her: I love that collection of emojis and think it captures awkwardness perfectly. A brilliant move.

But back to horror shows — it wasn’t until I sat down to write this list that I realized how few TV shows I currently watch. I’m a movie girlie by trade, and it isn’t often I will sit down and make time to watch a whole TV series — which is regrettable, because horror TV shows was what made me into the horror loving person I am today. And while there are two shows in particular I keep up with, this list mostly consists of shows that really gave me my love for campy horror. This list will descend from my least favourite favourite to my most favourite — my first ever ranking. I’m excited.

7. Charmed

I was never much of a Charmed girl, but that being said I watched almost every season and it was a really comforting show for me mostly because 90% of the baddies could be squashed by the end of the episode with a feel good message to tie it all together. More than any other show on this list, Charmed really relied on loving yourself and your sisters, and that being enough to carry you through — the monsters and witch powers seemed like a low priority on this series, which is an interesting take for a show about witches. While I can’t tell you about any specific moment or episode, I remember watching it a lot, and I think that has to count for something. Not enough to make it rank higher than the bottom of this list, but we’ll do what we can.

6. Scream Queens

This was a show I loved watching when it was on (the first season anyway, fuck the second season). I love the concept of final girls being some of the worst people you’ve ever met in your life, and Emma Roberts carries this show as Chanel Oberlin, who is the worst but as the first season progresses proves that she does have some layers. I also like that, despite her sad upbringing, no one uses that as an excuse for her behaving shitily now, and the other characters call her out on it. The kills in the first season are insanely campy, and the twists are great. However, an amazing first season is followed by a mediocre second season, saved only by Taylor Lautner’s character arc which I still think is one of the funniest bits to date. Unfortunately, the second season kind of ruins any rewatch value of the first season, but the cutting wit, the campiness of the deaths, and the blend of fashion and gore really made an impact on me as a writer and a viewer, and Chanel Oberlin is one of my favourite final girls. I wish it could have continued the momentum of the first season for longer.

5. Stranger Things

Stranger Things is one of those shows where the first season was lightning in a bottle, followed by a meandering second and third season. If it were not for the fourth season and the incredible actors, I think this would rank lower than Scream Queens. However, the first and fourth season of this show really are some of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had watching TV — the characters are unique, the plots are engaging, and the action sequences are fun and scary. The horror of this show can be harsh and gross but it adds to the horrific atmosphere of this other dimension bleeding into ours. The acting is also top notch, and it seems to get better every season — Joe Keery, Caleb McLaughlin, Gaten Matarazzo, Sadie Sink, Natalia Dyer, and of course Millie Bobby Brown among the countless others really bring the emotion and the humor and create human characters in a terrible situation. Winona Ryder and David Harbour, the resident “adults” on the series, really add to the credibility. You can tell character writing is a priority on this show as each new season introduces new characters that instantly become iconic to the series — Dacre Montgomery as Billy, Maya Hawke as Robyn, Joseph Quinn as Eddie, Grace van Dien as Chrissy, you get my point. The reason this show is higher than Scream Queens and Charmed is because the characters are so special and created and executed with so much care and love that I can’t help but be immersed every time I watch them onscreen. While I probably won’t watch the newest season, I will certainly always look back at seasons one and four with true admiration.

4. Angel

Hot take, I think Angel is a better show than Buffy, yet because of nostalgia I don’t think I could put it above. Angel is a spin off of Buffy, where the titular Angel is a vampire fighting monsters and vampires on his own in Los Angeles. He develops a team, featuring another Buffy character named Cordelia and a new character, a man named Doyle, and together they fight the demons in Los Angeles (though not the human ones). Angel’s team shrinks and grows throughout the seasons, sometimes for the better (The addition of Buffy side character Wesley is a highlight) and sometimes for the worst (I hate Spike. I don’t want him on Angel. I don’t want him anywhere). This is one of my favourite shows to look back on, as it’s essentially a group of rejects (A vampire with a soul? An ex-Watcher? A wannabe actress? A scientist? A demon who loves lounge music and Vegas aesthetics?) trying to do the right thing in a world that doesn’t want them. I love this unique concept, and Angel was always a favourite of mine on Buffy, so he is a strong enough character to carry his own show. The monsters on Angel ranged from terrifying to horrifying but comedic, like that one demon who turned Angel into a muppet (it’s a great episode.). Angel knew how to balance comedy and horror better than most shows, Buffy included, and I think it holds up and has a lot of rewatch value for me.

3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

To say this show made an impact on me would bean understatement — Buffy the Vampire Slayer was me. I dressed as the characters, I bought those fanfiction books from Barnes and Noble, I carried a stake around with me, I would sing all the songs from the musical episode as talent show pieces, you get the picture. I was obsessed. From the moment I sat down to watch, I knew this was my genre: campy horror. The monsters were scary but also kind of bitchy, Buffy was kicking ass while dressed like Britney Spears, the concepts and arcs would expand for a whole season, sometimes two, really building a world that I could be a part of. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is truly one of the best pieces of horror of all time as it just marries so many tropes and makes something beautiful with them. While I would say this show should be number one, knowing how the cast was treated on set, especially the young women, I cannot in good faith put it higher than three. What I will say is these women and the characters that they played helped me find a place in horror where before I never felt welcome. Buffy was every girl I knew who wanted to kick ass and fight monsters and know it was okay not to fit in. Buffy gave me an older sister who I could rely on when life got too scary, and I hope they know how impactful that was and how it saved my life.

2. School Spirits

I just wrote about this show recently, so I will keep it brief — but I believe this is a perfect show. It’s intriguing, will keep you on the edge of your seat, but also has a lot of heart to it. The depiction of ghosts in this is one of my favourites, as it is believable (odd word choice, but hear me out) and creates a universe that can be immersive. Unlike many shows, these ghosts are not overpowered, but they definitely have some supernatural advantages, thereby creating an even playing field as they interact with the living. The dead and living characters on School Spirits are so compelling and wonderfully acted and written — you can’t help but to root for these characters and then turn on them on a dime. The writing keeps you guessing which keeps you invested. It’s creepy and scary but not gory, more emotionally driven, which doesn’t make it less of a horror show. I think School Spirits will be a perfect show, but it is a little too early to say; either way, this cast is the best of the best.

1. What We Do In the Shadows

My favourite horror show of all time and a true, authentic look into vampires and what it means to being a vampire. Shot as a found footage style documentary, What We Do in the Shadows films the every night normalcies of being a vampire, such as trying to find love, getting promotions, and just trying to make friends — while introducing some of the most nitty gritty vampire lore that, as a vampire enthusiast, thrills me (the compulsion to count rice? GENIUS! These writers are not fucking around) and just batshit insanity that will keep you laughing from start to finish. The blend of realism and surrealism creates something so palpable for the viewing audience you cannot help but to be convinced that this is the true state of vampirism and this is their reality. The writing is great, but what amplifies it more is the actors’ dedication to their characters and their skill at improvising with each other and creating comedic gold. There is a love for writers on this show and because of that, it’s a massive strength, There were one or two not as good seasons, but they’re still great seasons, especially when compared to most shows on the air to date. And I’ve never seen a show where almost every joke lands and every look to the camera just perfectly encapsulates the bizarre nature of just even living in this house. The fact that this series is wrapping up is a gut punch to me, because it’s one of two shows I keep up with (and who knows when School Spirits season 2 is coming out) and it’s something, as a vampire lover, that means a lot to me. I’m by no means a vampire purist, but to see people love vampires and know so much about them isn’t something you see a lot of these days. Everyone wants to put their own spin on something, but they do so by shitting on the pre-existing archetype. Not What We Do in the Shadows, who treats vampires with such love and dedication and respect. I don’t know what I will do when this show ends except rewatch the catalogue until I can fill the WWDITS void that will be left in my heart. I will never get the chance to thank the cast and the writers and the whole team for this gift of a series, so if by some means they stumble upon this, biggest thank you to all of you.

Fucking guy. I love you, you crazy sons of bitches.

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