Leo Deserves a Sequel

If you know me, you know that I’m wildly obsessed with found footage films and Late Night with the Devil in particular. Late Night is one of the most haunting, evocative and poignant horror movies (to me) that have ever come out, especially with it’s Twilight Zone style of horror that doesn’t only scare audiences, but makes them think about their own lives and the active role their thoughtlessness can take in hurting the people around them unintentionally. The film was an international success with mostly high praise, especially in regards to the writing, styling, and acting.

Since it’s release, it’s biggest fans (me, I’m talking about me) have been hoping for an announcement for a sequel. David Dastmalchian gave a career defining performance as the charming-yet-doomed host Jack Delroy, and while it seems unlikely, that character could certainly return in some capacity. While everything essentially (and horrifically) wraps up for Delroy and his ill fated crew at the end of Late Night, there is one person who audiences never hear from again, Delroy’s producer and best friend, Leo. And considering the documentary set up of the film, it leads to one to question what exactly happened to him?

There are so many mysteries about Leo that I think a sequel following him could be the perfect step if the writers wanted to make this a franchise. Audiences don’t know about Leo’s involvement in the occult, despite being very tuned into Jack’s involvement. Jack has clearly had some supernatural experiences as he is open to the idea of ghosts and demons. Leo, on the other hand, seems more focused on the ratings. Could someone this cynical and skeptical be involved in the occult, like his best friend and business partner? Would the organization even let him in?

Or is this disinterest all an act, with Leo servicing a much darker force than even Jack is aware of? Leo is very harsh with anyone trying to interfere with the episode, Gus in particular. Whether this is just because he views Gus as annoying, sees him as an actual threat, or knows Gus is perhaps the only one who could appeal to Jack’s emotions and get him to pull back is unknown, but it is interesting to watch the seemingly only honest person get under Leo’s skin like no one else. That isn’t to say that Leo is above his emotional moments in the film either; when everything goes to shit, it is Leo that practically begs Jack to leave with him. Again, audiences do not know if this decision is based on a love for his friend or as the next move in some big, evil plan. Leo does seem devastated to leave Jack during the chaos, but he still does abandon him despite a long spanning friendship and business relationship. This is the last time we see or hear of Leo.

The fact that Leo is spared a violent death, unlike every other main character save for Jack, leads me to think there is something special about him, and I believe this is enough for at least a sequel. While we don’t know where Leo ended up, both he and Jack are presumed to have made it out alive. After the disaster of that night, and after being abandoned, and potentially even set up, by his best friend, I feel like Jack confronting Leo could make for compelling lore.

While no one wants to see a soulless sequel, especially when every found footage horror sequel is almost always bad, I think there is potential to make something here. Leo takes up very little screen time, but is such a prominent figure that I think his character could easily be the main focus of a sequel. I also have the utmost faith in the writers involved with Late Night, who will only deliver the best kind of lingering nightmare fuel.

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